![Alien Intrusion Graphic](https://i0.wp.com/www.extremetruthseekers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Alien-Intrusion-Graphic.png?resize=640%2C366)
My father has always been an extreme truth seeker, particularly in the area of aliens. He’s read many books on the subject and owns every season of Ancient Aliens. Whatever Daddy was studying, I was studying, so I too had read many books by the time I became a born-again Christian in 1987.
Shortly after becoming a Christian, I remember distinctly asking the Lord, “What about aliens?”
I discovered that in the Christian realm aliens simply weren’t discussed. I was quite busy studying the Word, making new friends, and learning about Jesus, so I wasn’t too concerned about aliens at the time, but it was always in the back of my mind. I have learned that when I ask the Lord a question, just wait expectantly for the answer, no matter how long it takes.
Several years ago I acquired a copy of Creation magazine. One of the articles was a review of Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates. I was intrigued, to say the least, but I didn’t order the book right away. The Lord had me studying many other subjects plus we were homeschooling at the time, but every so often I came across that issue and reread the review. I knew one day I would definitely order that book!
The day came when I did finally order and receive the book. As I remember, the first several chapters were basically a recap of what I already knew about UFOs, but they were written for those readers who were not familiar with the subject. But somewhere around chapter 7, Mr Bates began tying everything into the Bible. I was absolutely riveted! I couldn’t put it down and I couldn’t read fast enough, but I wanted to absorb every word!
I wanted to get that book into my father’s hands, but how? What was the right approach? After all, it was not just a book about aliens, it was a Christian book. Would it be received? I had to pray and seek out just the right way to present it to him.
I can’t remember what year it was or how many years had transpired since I had first heard of Alien Intrusion, but as it turned out, we were visiting for Thanksgiving one year and I had already ordered a copy for my daddy. It had become our tradition to brave Black Friday shopping with my parents, and the next day after Black Friday I took a deep breath and went to present it to him, holding it behind my back like a surprise.
“Daddy, I have a book for you. It’s about aliens, but it’s from a Christian perspective.”
And I showed it to him.
“Oh!” He said. “I saw this book yesterday and thought about getting it, but I bought these other books instead and decided I might get it next time! Thank you!”
Wow! God’s timing is perfect!
We have never discussed that book specifically. I don’t even know for sure if he read all of it. I know he read some of it because I saw the book marker in it the next time I visited. For a long time I didn’t feel adequate enough to carry a debate type conversation about the topic, so I shied away from it.
That was many years ago.
I’ve done a lot of studying since then.
I’m not shy anymore.
I still can’t DEBATE about it, but I can EDUCATE others about it.
WE, the church, need to be leading this discussion. WE, the church, should be dominating the alien discussion, not Ancient Aliens. WE, the church, should be dominating the supernatural and paranormal discussions as well.
Click on the photo above to find Alien Intrusion products on Amazon. I discovered a documentary DVD by Gary Bates for purchase or rent as well.
Mr. Bates is the CEO of Creation Ministries International ~ USA, publishers of Creation Magazine. Check them out HERE.
An article by Mr. Bates entitled “UFOs Are Not Extraterrestrial” can be found HERE.
Please check out Step 2 in my “Seeking Truth” journey: