Chuck Missler ~ Nephilim, UFOs, Aliens & The Bible

Missler Nephilim
Chuck Missler is a wealth of information and there is a lot of information in this session entitled Return Of The Nephilim, UFO’s, Aliens, & Bible.

I have included a lot of links for further research.

Chuck Missler Return Of The Nephilim, UFO’s, Aliens, & Bible posted by Silvana Smith.

Listed below are some areas of study mentioned in the video that may interest you. Links are provided for your convenience. Click on each to explore:

03:55 ~ Phoenix lights

06:06 ~ Roswell crash: Google Search; L A Marzulli Roswell related articles

13:00 ~ Washington incident: Google Search

15:02 ~ Astronauts and UFOs: Google Search

22:22 ~ J. Allen Hynek “demonic”( Google Search)

22:22 ~ Dr. Jacque Vallee quotes: Link #1; Link #2

22:22 ~ Interdimential hypothesis/Hyperdimential

35:12 ~ Majestic 12: Google Search

51:06 ~ Rendlesham Forest UFO incident: Video; Google Search

53:30 ~ Crop circles

59:37 ~ The Biblical View: The Days of Noah?

Genesis 6 KJV

Sethite Theory

~ Fallen angel theory: Answers in Genesis articleL A Marzulli (Nephilim) on YouTube

The Book of Enoch (Timothy Alberino on YouTube)

~ Septuagint & KJV 

~ The Titans: Link #1; Link #2

~ Nephilim: L A Marzulli (Nephilim) on YouTube

1:36:00 ~ Alien Abductions

~ (Mutual UFO Network)

~ (Christian response to alien abductions)

Alien Resistance ~ ETS article

L A Marzulli Alien Abduction (Google Search)

L A Marzulli Coming Great Deception (Google Search)

1:45:14 ~ Your Protection Is Your Position In Christ:

~ Salvation ~ Charles Stanley video plus Sinner’s Prayer; Charles Stanley audio

~ Matthew 24:24: …if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Ephesians 6 ~ the armor of God

Russ Dizdar ~ spiritual warfare (Suggested by ETS)

Chuck Missler’s sites:;

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