Monthly Archives: August 2018

Mythology And The Bible

I distinctly remember studying Greek mythology in college. I remember memorizing the facts so I could pass the tests, then promptly forgetting everything I’d learned. I simply couldn’t relate to it. What did mythology have to do with my life?? … Continue reading

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My Introduction To Flat Earth: Under The Dome Documentary

Back in 2013-2015, my daughter and I were really interested in the tv series Under The Dome. So one day I was looking it up on YouTube to see if there were any behind-the-scenes videos and I discovered the video … Continue reading

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Scott Carpenter: Bigfoot Researcher

Scott Carpenter is a Bigfoot researcher who is known for taking long walks in the woods with a “back trail camera” (backwards facing camera), trying to capture Bigfoot images. He has a biblical worldview and he suggests tying Bigfoot to … Continue reading

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