Author Archives: admin

Justen Faull Interviews Wes Germer Of The Sasquatch Chronicles

Justen Faull is one of my favorite researchers. Very thorough. Bigfoot is one of my favorite topics. Great interview!

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From New Age Blogger To Jesus Follower: Steven Bancarz

Steven Bancarz is a former New Age blogger who surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. Steven, along with Josh Peck, has written a book entitled The Second Coming Of The New Age. The pair have done many interviews on the … Continue reading

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Jen’s Journey From Drugs And The New Age To Jesus

Dr. Michael Heiser and his friend Jen sit down to discuss her journey from a Christian home to a life of drugs, the occult, and questioning fringe topics, only to return to a relationship with Jesus.

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Mythology And The Bible

I distinctly remember studying Greek mythology in college. I remember memorizing the facts so I could pass the tests, then promptly forgetting everything I’d learned. I simply couldn’t relate to it. What did mythology have to do with my life?? … Continue reading

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My Introduction To Flat Earth: Under The Dome Documentary

Back in 2013-2015, my daughter and I were really interested in the tv series Under The Dome. So one day I was looking it up on YouTube to see if there were any behind-the-scenes videos and I discovered the video … Continue reading

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Scott Carpenter: Bigfoot Researcher

Scott Carpenter is a Bigfoot researcher who is known for taking long walks in the woods with a “back trail camera” (backwards facing camera), trying to capture Bigfoot images. He has a biblical worldview and he suggests tying Bigfoot to … Continue reading

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America’s Beginnings: The New Atlantis by Chris Pinto

My father has always had a fascination with ancient Atlantis and has read many books on the subject. Atlantis was the topic of many discussions during my growing up years. This talk brings a new, very different perspective on the … Continue reading

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Timothy Alberino – Land of the Plumed Serpent – Parts 1-4

My father has read many books and studied many topics over the years and he is particularly interested in ancient sites in Central and South America as well as Atlantis. He’s SUPER intrigued and interested in Atlantis.

Below I have posted a four part series of videos by Timothy Alberino discussing these topics and tying them together Continue reading

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Transhumanists’ Posthuman Plan: Steve Quayle And Timothy Alberino

For those of you who are saying, “What in the world is transhumanism?”, a quick internet search brings up this definition: The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond it’s current physical and mental limitations, especially by … Continue reading

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Dr Michael Heiser Video: Ancient Technology and Alien Abduction

Dr. Heiser is currently a scholar-in-residence at Logos Bible Software. His YouTube channel entitled FringePop321 is filled with a tremendous amount of information as he shares his opinions and findings about a wide range of fringe topics. You can check … Continue reading

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Justen Faull: UFO Religions with Dr. Michael S. Heiser

Justen Faull is one of my favorite researchers. He and his brother are now with Skywatch TV, but his original ministry was The Fourth Watch. You can explore his work at the following links: Justen Faull and the Fourth … Continue reading

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Watcher Technology: Programmable Matter, Black Goo & Golems

Interview with Nicholson 1968 by Justen Faull of Nicholson1968 on YouTube

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NYSTV – The Golem – The Magic of the Hebrew Incantations

I had never heard of the Golem until I listened to this episode of Now You See TV (the first video below). Jon Pounders and David Carrico believe the “Golem” could play a role in Bible prophecy and the end … Continue reading

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Sasquatch: Myth, Legend, Nephilim, or Hybrid With Leon Windham

This is a discussion about bigfoot by a group of Godly, Christian men seeking truth. Jon Pounders, John Hall, Leon Windham, and Chief Joseph Riverwind. Amazing interview.

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Tom Horn: Animal-Human Hybrids/Mythology/Freemasonry

On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Tom Horn shows that human animal hybrids exist! Animal human hybrids, secret lab experiments, future technology, ancient codes; it’s all here! Have you ever noticed the eye and the pyramid on the … Continue reading

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