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“Lord, what about aliens?”

I was 23 years old and a new believer in Christ when I asked this question. I grew up with a father with an insatiable interest in all things related to aliens. Not just aliens but ghosts, bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, all kryptids, Egyptian and Mayan pyramids, the Nasca lines, ancient civilizations, reincarnation, giants, mound building, Native American folklore, and the list goes on and on.

Now that I had become a Christian, I had no idea what to do with these topics. They are absolutely NOT discussed in church and many Christians will tell you to stay away from them because they are too dark.

And I did stay away from them…for the better part of 25 years.

Periodically I’d ask the Lord how I should address my father’s statements, or how to respond to his questions, or what to say when we’re watching Ancient Aliens, but I received no definitive answers.

Then I discovered that God was raising up a community of Christ followers who were studying these very topics from a biblical perspective, with the Bible as their guidebook for truth.

“The Guidebook of the Supernatural!” as L. A. Marzulli likes to call the Bible!

The Bible is FILLED with supernatural events, and the church should be leading the charge in the discussion!

But as L. A. is also fond of saying, Ancient Aliens is dominating the conversation.


My Purpose For This Site:

Since discovering what I call “The Community”, I literally have spent HOURS reading articles, and listening to all kinds of interviews and podcasts on a wide range of topics. The articles and videos you’ll find on this site are what I most wish my father and others would listen to and read so they can see an entirely different interpretation of the above topics from a biblical worldview, and come to a better understanding of the Bible in it’s entirety from Genesis to Revelation.

Armed with this information, they can better interpret world events as well as fringe news in light of scripture.

Also, I want this website to be a witnessing tool for Christ-followers as they try to reach loved ones when discussing the topics you’ll find here.


What’s Most Important For You To Understand Before You Start:

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, a “Cosmic Chess Match” was begun (also an L. A. Marzulli phrase). A cosmic war for the souls of all mankind.

Satan knew that his days were numbered, and that Jesus was going to be born and die on a cross as a final sacrifice to cover our sin. Consequently, he set a plan in motion to corrupt the DNA of all mankind in the hopes of thwarting God’s plan to bring the Messiah.

Genesis 6 tells us that the sons of God (Fallen Angels) came down and mated with the daughters of men, and that union produced the giants. Giants we eventually see in the scripture like Goliath and those that occupied the Promised Land and scared the Israelites so much they refused to go in and take the Land that God was giving to them. (That’s why they had to wander the desert for 40 years. Because of their disobedience and unbelief.)

When you think about the giants and the plan to corrupt the DNA, think about the stories of ancient mythology as well. About animal/human hybrids like satyrs, centaurs, the Minotaur. Add in kryptids like bigfoot, the New Jersey devil, Mothman and many others. Plus ancient creatures found in folklore spanning the globe and the ages.

Right after Genesis tells us about the Fallen Angels coming down and mating with the daughters of men, we hear the story of Noah and the Flood. Many have viewed the flood as the wrath of a god who could not possibly be loving, like He is portrayed in the New Testament.

Consider this:

Genesis 6:5-7 tells us,

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”

Consider that the flood was actually an act of love and mercy because the DNA of man and animals had become so corrupt by Satan and Fallen Angels that God needed to act drastically in order to save the world.

Just consider it.

Then consider this:

In Matthew 24:3 we find the disciples questioning Jesus:

Tell us, when shall these things be?
and what shall be the sign of thy coming,
and of the end of the world?
Matthew 24:3 KJV

Jesus proceeds to tell them several things including in Matthew 24:37:

But as the days of Noah were,
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:37 KJV


Resources You Will Find Helpful:

Number 1:

The Bible.

Bibles are easy to find at Christian bookstores, thrift shops, and online. I would highly recommend the King James Version as well as the Septuagint version of the Old Testament.

You can purchase the Septuagint I use here.
You can read the Septuagint online here.
You can read ABOUT the Septuagint here.


Number 2:

Genesis 6.

It’s important to be familiar with Genesis 6.

If you don’t have a bible you can read the King James Version here.
You can read the Septuagint version here.


Number 3:

The Book of Enoch (Enoch 1 only).

You will find this book referred to many, many times on this website. Think of it as a history book, not as canonized scripture. There are 3 books of Enoch. Use only the “First” book of Enoch. I understand that it’s important to stay away from the other two because they are rooted in the occult.

You can read the Book of Enoch online here.
You can purchase the Book of Enoch that I use here.

Here is a video by Timothy Alberino explaining the Book of Enoch:


My personal journey:

You will find the first steps of my journey in the following three articles:

Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates (Step 1 in my truth seeking journey)
Unidentified the Movie (Step 2 in my truth seeking journey)
And Then I Discovered L. A. LMarzulli (Step 3 in my truth seeking journey)


Final Thoughts:

It’s important that you do your own research and don’t take anyone’s word for anything. Seek out truth for yourself.

It’s also important to understand that everyone represented on this website through my articles, the videos, and all links, are IMPERFECT SINNERS.

As a matter of fact, they don’t all agree with each other on their interpretations. Sometimes people even get mad, criticize, or create rifts. Listen and learn from all. It’s all theories developed by people searching the scriptures and seeking God for truth.

I always tell people, if you don’t agree with something you hear, at least stick it in the back of your mind where you can access it later if needed.

At the end of the day, my hope and prayer for all of you is that you will come to know Jesus as your personal lord and savior, and we all will avoid the mark of the antichrist, and spend eternity with Jesus (Yeshua).

Blessings to all of you!


It is the glory of God to conceal a thing:
but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
Proverbs 25:2 KJV

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33 KJV