And Then I Discovered L.A. Marzulli

Marzulli 1 (1)

In my first two blog posts I explained the start of my journey of discovering that there actually were Christians talking about aliens from a Christian perspective. If you’re interested, I would encourage you to take a moment and read those articles first. Just click on the links below then return to this article.

Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates
Unidentified The Movie

And then I discovered LA Marzulli.

“Wow!” is all I can say!

I’m not sure what show I heard him interviewed on but I THINK it was the Prophecy Club with Stan Johnson. No matter what show it was, it REALLY caught my attention and thus began weeks of voraciously researching aliens and UFOs from a Christian perspective and hours of listening to YouTube videos. I was completely blown away by this entire Christian community of researchers I didn’t know existed that were proclaiming the dangers of a coming great deception spoken of in the Bible and tying it into the UFO phenomenon.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Matthew 24:24 KJV

 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
2 Thessalonians 2:11 KJV


While I was hearing a lot of perspectives from this community, I was actively praying and seeking the Lord about which material to buy to use as witnessing tools for others in my life. I settled on books and videos by L.A. first. You can find his material at

I had a very hard time deciding which L.A. Marzulli videos to include in this post because there are so many that are very good. I settled on the following series of four videos that show an interview of L.A. and Tom Horn by Gary Stearman, who was with Prophecy In The News at the time.

For your own research, I encourage you to start with the websites for these men, plus look them up on YouTube.

L.A. Marzulli:
Tom Horn:
Gary Stearman:


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Unidentified The Movie


In my previous post I told you how I discovered that there actually were Christians talking about UFOs and aliens. You can read that post HERE.

Somewhere around this same time I discovered the Christian movie Unidentified. It’s not an extremely well-done movie, but it just showed me that others were addressing the issue, so I purchased it.

The movie introduced the idea of a demonic deception at work in the UFO community and did share the gospel and the idea of a traditional, upcoming rapture.

You can purchase the movie HERE. It can certainly be used as an introduction to the topic from a Christian perspective.


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Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates

Alien Intrusion Graphic

My father has always been an extreme truth seeker, particularly in the area of aliens. He’s read many books on the subject and owns every season of Ancient Aliens. Whatever Daddy was studying, I was studying, so I too had read many books by the time I became a born-again Christian in 1987.

Shortly after becoming a Christian, I remember distinctly asking the Lord, “What about aliens?”

I discovered that in the Christian realm aliens simply weren’t discussed. I was quite busy studying the Word, making new friends, and learning about Jesus, so I wasn’t too concerned about aliens at the time, but it was always in the back of my mind. I have learned that when I ask the Lord a question, just wait expectantly for the answer, no matter how long it takes. Continue reading

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