Tag Archives: Steve Quayle

Timothy Alberino – Land of the Plumed Serpent – Parts 1-4

My father has read many books and studied many topics over the years and he is particularly interested in ancient sites in Central and South America as well as Atlantis. He’s SUPER intrigued and interested in Atlantis.

Below I have posted a four part series of videos by Timothy Alberino discussing these topics and tying them together Continue reading

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Transhumanists’ Posthuman Plan: Steve Quayle And Timothy Alberino

For those of you who are saying, “What in the world is transhumanism?”, a quick internet search brings up this definition: The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond it’s current physical and mental limitations, especially by … Continue reading

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Unearthing The Cloudeaters & Holocaust of Giants

I am so excited about the soon coming book and DVD by Steve Quayle and Tom Horn, plus Timothy Alberino! First, we have the book Unearthing The Lost World Of The Cloudeaters written by Steve Quayle and Tom Horn. This … Continue reading

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Q-CAST: Aliens & Fallen Angels – The Great Deception

NEW!! Q-CAST: Aliens & Fallen Angels – The Great Deception posted by GenSix Productions:

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