Tag Archives: UFOs

Justen Faull: UFO Religions with Dr. Michael S. Heiser

Justen Faull is one of my favorite researchers. He and his brother are now with Skywatch TV, but his original ministry was The Fourth Watch. You can explore his work at the following links: 4thWatchRadio.blogspot.com Justen Faull and the Fourth … Continue reading

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Tom Horn: Animal-Human Hybrids/Mythology/Freemasonry

On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Tom Horn shows that human animal hybrids exist! Animal human hybrids, secret lab experiments, future technology, ancient codes; it’s all here! Have you ever noticed the eye and the pyramid on the … Continue reading

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The Omega Conspiracy Interview ~ Dr. I. D. E. Thomas

L.A. Marzulli occasionally mentions how much he has been influenced by Dr. I. D. E. Thomas so I thought I’d include this interview. Dr Thomas is the author of The Omega Conspiracy: Satan’s Last Assault On God’s Kingdom.

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L.A. Marzulli on It’s Supernatural ~ Mark Of The Beast Is A “UFO” Implant

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L.A. Marzulli: The Great UFO Deception

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Chuck Missler ~ Nephilim, UFOs, Aliens & The Bible

Chuck Missler is a wealth of information and there is a lot of information in this session entitled Return Of The Nephilim, UFO’s, Aliens, & Bible. I have included a lot of links for further research.

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Stop An Alien Abduction ~ You Are NOT Powerless

My long-time friend and I often have really “far out there” conversations, but I was quite surprised when one day our conversation took a little different turn than usual when he shared with me the belief that he may have … Continue reading

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And Then I Discovered L.A. Marzulli

In my first two blog posts I explained the start of my journey of discovering that there actually were Christians talking about aliens from a Christian perspective. If you’re interested, I would encourage you to take a moment and read those … Continue reading

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Unidentified The Movie

In my previous post I told you how I discovered that there actually were Christians talking about UFOs and aliens. You can read that post HERE. Somewhere around this same time I discovered the Christian movie Unidentified. It’s not an extremely … Continue reading

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Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates

My father has always been an extreme truth seeker, particularly in the area of aliens. He’s read many books on the subject and owns every season of Ancient Aliens. Whatever Daddy was studying, I was studying, so I too had … Continue reading

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